9 Tips to Help You Prepare Your Child for Preschool

9 Tips to Help You Prepare Your Child for Preschool

By 2 June 2022 June 3rd, 2022 No Comments
9 Tips to Help You Prepare Your Child for Preschool

There are few milestones more exciting than sending your child off on their first day of school. Whether you’re preparing your child for preschool, kindergarten, or another school-aged program, this time in your child’s life will be exciting and filled with new experiences.

However, before you send them off with a brand-new backpack filled with new books and crayons, it’s essential to prepare them beforehand. Not only do we want our children to be ready for school so they can thrive once they get there, but also so that they don’t feel overwhelmed or scared by the change.

Having an organised routine at home will help your child adjust to new expectations quickly and easily without missing a beat. Here are 10 helpful tips that will help you prepare your child for preschool!

1. Have a conversation about school

Before you send your child off on their first day at school, have a conversation about what they can expect. If your child is still very young, you may want to use visual aids to help them understand what they will be doing in the coming months.

Having a conversation about school will help your child feel more prepared and less anxious about what’s to come. You can use this opportunity to discuss what a typical school day will look like and answer any questions they may have about what they will be learning and how they will be spending their time at school.

You might want to include information about their classmates and teachers, the school environment, and any rules and expectations that might be different from home.

2. Build confidence

Even the most outgoing and enthusiastic children usually have some level of anxiety about starting school. Therefore, before your child goes off to school, you should help them build their confidence. Provide your child with plenty of one-on-one time with you so that they can feel proud of themselves and know that they are loved.

By spending time with your child, you can help them build self-confidence and self-esteem by praising them and showcasing their accomplishments. You can also inspire your child to appreciate who they are and what they have done up until now by sharing anecdotes about your own childhood.

Taking the time to build your child’s confidence will help them feel more prepared and less anxious about going to school. This can be especially helpful for shy children who may be worried about meeting new people or not knowing how to interact with their peers.

3. Learn to deal with change

Children often feel nervous about making significant changes in their lives, particularly if they are about to begin preschool for the first time. This is because they will not only be dealing with a change in their daily routine but also a change in their social circle and environment. Letting your child know of what’s to come and that they can count on you for support and encouragement will help them cope with the changes.

Reinforce your child’s self-worth. Let them know that they are a unique and wonderful person and that no one can ever take that away from them. Together, you will get through any changes that come your way.

4. Develop key skills

Depending on your child’s age, they will enter school either already knowing or needing to learn some skills. For example, if your child is preparing to enter preschool, they will need to be ready to read.

Spend time with your child reading books at home. If your child is already reading, you can help them continue to improve their reading skills by creating reading time at home. Help your child learn how to write more legibly and in a more organised fashion by creating a handwriting practice routine at home.

5. Build curiosity

Build curiosity by exposing them to various new things, such as reading them books on multiple subjects and letting them browse the library’s diverse selection of books and materials.

Create a learning station at home that allows your child to explore different topics independently and build curiosity while feeling like they have some control over what they are learning.

6. Develop critical thinking skills

Children will develop to use critical thinking in their daily lives. Help your child become better at these thinking skills by allowing them to understand the world around them and be curious about the sights.

Explore your community with your child and let them ask questions about what they see. By identifying your child’s learning methods, you provide them with the skills they need to thrive in school.

7. Learn how to problem-solve

Your children can learn about problem-solving by understanding that there will be difficulties in life and that they must find methods to deal with them. Allow your child to make mistakes and remind them that it is okay not to know everything so they can learn to problem-solve.

8. Build communication skills

It’s important your child understands that they can always ask questions if they don’t understand something or want more information. Let your child know that they should always feel comfortable asking questions if they don’t understand something or want more information. You can accomplish this by letting them know that their teachers are there to help them.

Building communication skills comes in different forms. Your child can even pick up on a foreign language to communicate with peers of difference races to promote harmony if they’re attending a bilingual preschool in Singapore.

9. Learn how to make friends

You can help your child develop social skills by letting them know that it’s okay if they don’t have any friends yet. Furthermore, you may assist your child in establishing connections by letting them know that they should be themselves. Tell them that they should not try to impersonate someone they’re not to make acquaintances, nor should they pretend to be themselves while at school.

Children can learn how to forge connections by understanding that it’s okay if they don’t have any companions yet. You may also help your child establish relationships by letting them know that they can be themselves. You may express to your child that they don’t need to pretend to be someone they’re not in order to make friends and that it’s okay for them to assert their identity while at school and making new pals.

Final thoughts

Preschool is an exciting yet frightening time for your child. With all of the planning and the sentiments of letting your child go for the first time, it can be stressful for you as a parent as well. Follow these guidelines to make the process more efficient and effective.

Aside from providing your child with the greatest resources, you must also ensure that your child attends a decent and renowned school, such as Viv’s Schoolhouse. Our award-winning curriculum of speech and drama classes for preschoolers in Singapore provides your child with the ability to configure their creativity while expressing it simultaneously. Your child will develop key talents under the guidance of our professional teachers while also leaving with a smile on their at the end of the day. Drop us a message today to learn more about our exciting programs.